Classroom Safety and Covid-19
I want everyone in my classes to feel 100% safe.
How the Covid-19 virus spreads my classroom solution:
It spreads by being in the coughing or sneezing spray zone of someone who is infected.
No one should come to class if they have any cold or flu symptoms, or who may be inclined to cough or sneeze. Symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath. CDC
Furthermore, there have been fewer signups for painting class in March. That means a less crowded classroom.
It can spread by shaking hands with someone who has the virus on their hands and then touching your face.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer before coming to class. While in class, don’t shake hands, don’t do fist bumps or share any skin-on-skin contact.
How to wash your hands
It spreads by touching a surface that has the virus on it, then touching your mouth, eyes or nose.
Prior to class the tables, stools, easels, sink spigot and faucet handles with be sanitized with bleach or a disinfectant.
National Center For Biological Information
My opinion: The news media—with its hair on fire, can unnecessarily make this virus issue sound like its the end of the world. But I would encourage everyone to get solid reliable information, like from the CDC, The Mayo Clinic and other reliable sources. The more l have learned about it, the less scary it is and easier to deal with.
Good video:
How the Covid-19 virus spreads my classroom solution:
It spreads by being in the coughing or sneezing spray zone of someone who is infected.
No one should come to class if they have any cold or flu symptoms, or who may be inclined to cough or sneeze. Symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath. CDC
Furthermore, there have been fewer signups for painting class in March. That means a less crowded classroom.
It can spread by shaking hands with someone who has the virus on their hands and then touching your face.
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer before coming to class. While in class, don’t shake hands, don’t do fist bumps or share any skin-on-skin contact.
How to wash your hands
It spreads by touching a surface that has the virus on it, then touching your mouth, eyes or nose.
Prior to class the tables, stools, easels, sink spigot and faucet handles with be sanitized with bleach or a disinfectant.
National Center For Biological Information
My opinion: The news media—with its hair on fire, can unnecessarily make this virus issue sound like its the end of the world. But I would encourage everyone to get solid reliable information, like from the CDC, The Mayo Clinic and other reliable sources. The more l have learned about it, the less scary it is and easier to deal with.
Good video: