Outdoor Painting
Check with Patrick for date and time.
Meet at Woodland Park on the furthest end. See blue dot below.
Notice below that the red dot is the entrance to the park.
How to get there: Google "Woodland Park Ave N and 50th, Seattle"
And it will give you directions to the entrance to the park.
There is plenty of free parking in the park.
This is not the Woodland Park Zoo.
The park has a one-way road, so keep going until you see my car. See below.
Meet at Woodland Park on the furthest end. See blue dot below.
Notice below that the red dot is the entrance to the park.
How to get there: Google "Woodland Park Ave N and 50th, Seattle"
And it will give you directions to the entrance to the park.
There is plenty of free parking in the park.
This is not the Woodland Park Zoo.
The park has a one-way road, so keep going until you see my car. See below.
Look for my van with the ART CLASS sign on it. You're there!
Hattie and Selena at Woodland Park
Dear Students,
Woodland Park is now open!
I am going to have an outdoor class on Sunday, July 19th, at 11 AM to 1 PM. Anyone can come. This is in addition to your regular class. But you must confirm if you will attend by Saturday, the 18th, at 12:00 PM, because I will have stuff to set up, so I need to know how many people will attend.
Forecast is for sunny weather, but Seattle weather changes quickly so bad weather will cancel. I will confirm this event Saturday evening, so please watch for my email then.
Keep my phone number handy for calling and texting. 206-359-2715
There will be plenty of social distancing. Two people per table sitting at opposite ends.
Bring a reference photo or contact me for an assignment.
Bring your regular art supplies. Bring your own tunes and water.
I don’t know if this will be a regular thing yet. Let’s try it once and see what happens.
Bring your pet if you want.
Patrick Howe
Artist, Author, Educator
[email protected]
“May your life be guided by curiosity and a
passion to see the world with fresh eyes”
—Patrick Howe, 2004